[Sugar-devel] [Sugar-news] Sugar DIgest 2015-05-26

Christoph Derndorfer christoph at olpcnews.com
Tue May 26 17:07:38 EDT 2015

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com>

> 1. It is with great sadness that write these words: Marco Presenti Gritti,
> the principal Sugar developer from Red Hat from 2006 to 2008 and one of the
> founders of Sugar Labs, passed away this past weekend after a long illness.
> Marco was a brilliant engineer whose work still reverberates throughout the
> Sugar stack and a warm, personable colleague, father, and husband. We will
> miss you Marco.

Thank you for sharing this sad news which I - and I assume many others here
- would have missed otherwise.

Reading it made me go back through my e-mail and photo archives and I found
this shot from FUDCon Brno in September 2008:

[image: Inline image 1]

I'll always remember mpg like that: A brilliant and cheerful software
engineer amidst like-minded and equally friendly and dedicated software
geniuses who built the foundations of Sugar.

And +1 to Gonzalo's suggestions of dedicating 0.106 to Marco and his young

If anyone has his physical address please let me know as I'd love send my
condolences to his two Danielas in this time of sadness and mourning.


> == Sugar Digest ==
> 2. For those of you who are interested, we hold our GSoC group meetings on
> Fridays, 11:00 EST (Boston), 14:00 UTC on irc.freenode.net #sugar-meeting.
> === Tech Talk ===
> 3. Peter Robinson, Sam Parkinson, Sean Daly, and Iain Brown Douglas have
> done a great job of revamping the Sugar on a Stick spin site for Fedora.
> Please see [1].
> === Sugar Labs ===
> 4. Please visit our planet [2].
> ---
> [1] http://spins.stg.fedoraproject.org/en/soas/
> [2] http://planet.sugarlabs.org
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) [www.olpc.at]
editor, OLPC News [www.olpcnews.com]
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® [www.technikbasteln.net]

e-mail: christoph at derndorfer.eu
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