[Sugar-devel] Details required for Imageviewer Js project

Shrey Anand shrey.anand at ymail.com
Tue Mar 3 09:13:18 EST 2015

Sir Will there be a discussion on the project before we submit proposals? 
- Shrey

     On Monday, 2 March 2015 3:52 PM, Shrey Anand <shrey.anand at ymail.com> wrote:

 I am Shrey Anand, in sophomore class Btech computer science in  Delhi. I am interested in participating in Gsoc 2015 and contributing to sugar labs. I saw this year's project ideas and a project imageviewer Js caught my attention the most. 
Can someone  please ellaborate on what all has to be done along with porting existing python code to javascript?Thanking youShrey

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