[Sugar-devel] Sugar on a Stick going forward for F-22 onwards

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Mon Mar 2 11:04:16 EST 2015

I see Jean Thiery and Iain Brown Douglas already tested Soas.
Looks like you have a team!
Maybe one of them is interested in coordinate the testing and communication
with your help?


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> With Fedora/SoaS 21 out for some time I think we have a good and stable
> release.
> Firstly I'd like to thank the awesome test effort to get a large chuck
> of testing done and fixes in for the deadline.
> Moving forward I'm happy to coordinate and deal with the release
> engineering side of things to get the release out, fixes in etc.
> What I'd like help in is someone who is happy to coordinate testing
> and general community communications and facilitation. As you might
> have noticed this isn't one of my strong points! When I do remember to
> send out notifications to the list it's amazing how people spring into
> furious action and get things tested and fixes in place.
> It's relatively straight forward, the Fedora schedule is always well
> organised [1] as is their QA team.
> Following the Fedora process, while slightly restrictive, has proven
> to give us strong releases and deals with a lot of the back in process
> so we don't have and I don't think it's in our interest in changing
> that (and personally I have no interest to change that).
> I'd also be interested interested to hear how people would like to
> improve the release from a technical perspective. Is there anything
> people have a few cycles to work and contribute on that they'd like to
> see in the release?
> The only change I currently plan is to drop the long dead
> sugar-presence-service (it's been 5 years!!) and anything that depends
> on it (eToys I'm looking at you!) as I think over 5 years to port away
> from it is well and truly enough!
> Peter
> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/Schedule
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Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Software for children learning
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