[Sugar-devel] Additions to MOhayon's Sugar activity

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Sat Jul 18 19:50:32 EDT 2015

A few more comments:

1) Instead of create a new repository with the sources, fork Michael
and learn how to send pull requests.
You can read about that here
Then, separate your changes in small patches, by example, one patch by tool
you add.

2) Make commits with good titles and explanations, like this one:

3) I agree with Puneet's comments. Would be good consolidate the different
tools in a
tools selector like in the Sugar Paint activity, and improve the color
selector palette to
enable configure the tool size and shape, and  select custom colors.

The activity is having nice improvements, if you and Michael can coordinate
to work together will be perfect.

About the icons https://thenounproject.com/ have a lot to use.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Puneet Kaur <puneet.gkaur at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, checked it out. It seems nice. Just a few recommendations and tasks
> for you :
> 1. Make a github io page so that its easy for people to experiment
> directly in the browser - like the one Micheal has (
> http://mikklfr.github.io/Paint.activity/)
> 2. The functionality added by the sketcher, airbrush and ribbon tools is
> nice and enriches the paint app with the diversity to play with different
> types of strokes.
>     I would request you to put all of these under the palette of stroke
> rather than having separate tool buttons like we already one in the native
> sugar paint app ( do have a look into that) attaching the samples along.
> 3. Better svgs for the icons would make it perfect.
> I loved the new functionality. Eager to see more of that :)
> Regards,
> Puneet
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Sneha Mohanty <sm21483 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Michael, Gonzalo , Manu Sir, Puneet, Lionel and everyone else,
>> I have made three new additions to Michael's Paint Activity
>> - sketcher
>> - Ribbon
>> -Airbrush
>> I have done those additions on my github repo here   -
>> https://github.com/SnehaMohanty/MOhayon-Sugar-paint-branch
>> Note: The svg icons as of now, are not well suited for each of the
>> airbrush, ribbon and sketcher , as i haven't made the suitable icons as of
>> yet.
>> Screenshots from my additions have been attached with this mail.
>> Please take a look and give me a feedback.
>> Regards,
>> Sneha Mohanty

Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Software [for | by] children learning
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