[Sugar-devel] [tomjansen25 at gmail.com: Packaging Sugarizer activities]

Aleksey Lim alsroot at sugarlabs.org
Thu Jan 15 04:03:41 EST 2015

----- Forwarded message from Tom Jansen <tomjansen25 at gmail.com> -----

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:18:49 +0100
From: Tom Jansen <tomjansen25 at gmail.com>
To: activities at sugarlabs.org
Subject: Packaging Sugarizer activities

Dear sir/madam,

I developed a sugar activity using Sugarizer and now I would like to test
it on the XO Laptop and if everything works out I would also like to
publish the activity. Unfortunately, I am having trouble packaging the
activity for the XO Laptop. Maybe you could help me out or maybe you know
somebody else I could mail who can help me out.

Kind regards,

Tom Jansen

----- End forwarded message -----

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