[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2015-04-09
Walter Bender
walter.bender at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 07:43:35 EDT 2015
On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 3:22 AM, <nanonano at mediagala.com> wrote:
>>On 09/04/2015 11:34, Walter Bender wrote:
>> Those of you running old versions of Sugar/Fedora on XO-1 hardware should
>> consider looking at Sugar 104.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In Uruguay, we use old versions of sugar on the XO 1.0 because the new
> versions ran too slow on that hardware.
> On May 2013 Plan Ceibal released a new image for the XO 1.0 with Sugar
> 0.98.7 - Dextrose 4, but that image ran very but very very very very ultra
If you look at the data James published, the 0.98 was about the
slowest. Lots of improvement since. Would be great if we could get
someone at Ceibal to take a look.
> That Image was impossible to use on a real classroom, on each click you
> have to wait few seconds to see the feedback.
> In the case of children is worse, because children don't want to wait, they
> click and click and more clicks , with no answer or feedback.
> That Image of Sugar 0.98 - Dextrose 4 was cancelled by Plan Ceibal 1 week
> later, on 2013, and then Plan Ceibal returned to previous version of SUgar
> (0.94.1 - Dextrose 3).
> Since 2013 in Uruguay we are using the same image of Sugar for the XO 1.0
> Hardware.
> With the other XO Plan Ceibal upgraded the software, but the XO 1.0 image
> remained the same from 2012 (sugar 0.94)
> With the others XO (1.5, 1.75, and 4.0) we are using SUgar 0.98, and for
> the new XO 4.0 V2 Plan Ceibal released an Image With Sugar 104
> Paolo Benini
> MOntevideo-Uruguay
> P.S. The old image of dextrose 4 for the XO 1.0 was deleted from the public
> servers of PLan Ceibal, but if someone wants to try it you can download it
> here.
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Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
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