[Sugar-devel] Telepathy Salut on Sugar 0.102 on Fedora 20 almost works

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Wed Sep 17 05:18:00 EDT 2014

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 02:14:56PM -0400, Martin Abente wrote:
> James, Gonzalo,
> Regarding the IBSS/Ad-hoc scenario, if I set the address manually,
> collaborations work just fine. So this must be related to network
> discovery.

Thanks, that's interesting.  Can you tell me _how_ you set the address
manually?  When I tried it there was no real difference:


> My test goes like this:
> * I use one XO with fc18+S0.100 to create an ad-hoc network network.
> * From another XO, with fc20+S0.102, I connect to that ad-hoc network.
> The second XO ip address does not match the first one's network.

Can you tell me how it does not match?  It always matches when I try
it; a link-local address 169.254.x.x valid to RFC 3927 is always
assigned, as shown by "ip addr" command.


> But when I manually configure it, then buddy icons appears and
> collaboration works... 

When I enable Sugar debugging and use sugar-launch as before, a new
interesting message is seen, "No active connection available" which is
because neither Gabble nor Salut is running.

	% SUGAR_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug sugar-launch org.laptop.Chat

1410934106.660510 DEBUG root: Requesting public share of activity 3b34e9d6ce9f294d12cd79314f7946a2f8845be5.
1410934106.662832 DEBUG root: Share of activity 3b34e9d6ce9f294d12cd79314f7946a2f8845be5 failed: No active connection available.

The error is reported by the __share_cb method of the Activity class.


    def __share_cb(self, ps, success, activity, err):
        if not success:
            logging.debug('Share of activity %s failed: %s.' %
                          (self._activity_id, err))


    def share(self, private=False):
        pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
        pservice.connect('activity-shared', self.__share_cb)
        pservice.share_activity(self, private=private)

The error comes from the share_activity method of the PresenceService


    def share_activity(self, activity, properties=None, private=True):
        connection_manager = get_connection_manager()
        account_path, connection = \

        if connection is None:
            self.emit('activity-shared', False, None,
                      'No active connection available')


    def get_preferred_connection(self):
        best_connection = None, None
        for account_path, connection in self._connections_per_account.items():
            if 'salut' in account_path and connection.connected:
                best_connection = account_path, connection.connection
            elif 'gabble' in account_path and connection.connected:
                best_connection = account_path, connection.connection
        return best_connection

There is no /usr/libexec/telepathy-salut process.  The process does
exist if an access point is used in place of IBSS ad-hoc.  The
question becomes: why isn't Salut running?

> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Martin Abente <[1]
> martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hello James,
>     I included the new kernel  (and reverted that commit) and now collaboration
>     works even between fc20+S0.102 and F18+S0.100.
>     I tested it using a wifi network (with DHCP enabled) and Chat activity.
>     Really awesome work James!
>     On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 3:53 AM, James Cameron <[2]quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
>         Summary: partially solved with new kernel.
>         The Chat activity was run with debug logging in Terminal:
>                 % SUGAR_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug sugar-launch org.laptop.Chat
>         At the time the activity was shared, the log showed:
>         1410842095.436535 DEBUG sugar3.presence.activity: <_ShareCommand object
>         at 0x527dc8 (sugar3+presence+activity+_ShareCommand at 0x4f7c20)>: Join
>         finished DBusException(dbus.String(u'Failed to connect to multicast
>         group'),)
>         Telepathy Salut was failing to setup the multicast group, because it
>         was calling setsockopt with SO_REUSEPORT, because Fedora 20 header
>         files define SO_REUSEPORT, but the OLPC kernel did not.
>         (It is bad that the failure was not reported to the user or to the
>         logs unless debug logging was turned on.  If someone cares, they can
>         raise a bug.)
>         Adding SO_REUSEPORT support to the kernel [2] solved for Salut over
>         networks where DHCP is available; such as wired or wireless access
>         points.  The new kernel is in the dropbox [3].  The previous change to
>         avahi-daemon configuration is removed [4].
>         A different problem occurs with Salut over link local addresses; IBSS
>         ad-hoc wireless.  The buddy icons are missing.
>                 # avahi-browse -t _presence._tcp # shows no output
>         References:
>         1.
>         [3]http://code.metager.de/source/xref/freedesktop/telepathy/salut/lib/
>         gibber/gibber-multicast-transport.c
>         2.
>         [4]http://dev.laptop.org/git/olpc-kernel/log/?h=arm-3.5
>         3.
>         [5]http://rpmdropbox.laptop.org/f20-xo4/
>         kernel-3.5.7_xo4-20140916.0607.olpc.5196e01.armv7hl.rpm
>         4.
>         [6]http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/olpc-os-builder/commit/?id=
>         f34ddb8b83ca6b9cb657e115df117ffa3704eea5
>         On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 06:24:20PM +1000, James Cameron wrote:
>         > G'day,
>         >
>         > Activities shared by Fedora 20 systems do not appear in Network
>         > Neighbourhood on Fedora 18 or Fedora 20 systems.  Buddies appear.
>         > Activities shared by Fedora 18 Sugar 0.98 systems appear.
>         >
>         > So this is a failure to announce sharing of activities on Sugar 0.102
>         > on Fedora 20.
>         >
>         > tcpdump shows mDNS packets for every operation except when an
>         activity
>         > is shared on Fedora 20.
>         >
>         > avahi-browse output is consistent with Network Neighbourhood.
>         >
>         >       avahi-browse -t _presence._tcp # for buddies
>         >       avahi-browse -t _clique._udp # for activities
>         >
>         > (avahi-daemon needed tweaking to compensate for lack of SO_REUSEPORT
>         > support in 3.5 kernel; change /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf to set
>         > disallow-other-stacks=yes)
>         >
>         > I have tried [7]http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/BugSquad/
>         Telepathy_Debugging
>         > but there is no interesting output corresponding to the event.
>         >
>         > I have used strace and seen possible D-Bus activity relating to the
>         > event.  sendmsg(11, {msg_name(0)=NULL, msg_iov(2)=[{"l\1\0\1<\0\0\0/\
>         0\0\0\252\0\0\0\1\1o\0?\0\0\0/org/fre"..., 192}, {"+\0\0\[8]
>         0org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Ch"..., 60}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=
>         0}, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 252
>         >
>         > I welcome any suggestions for further diagnosing this problem.
>         >
>         > --
>         > James Cameron
>         > [9]http://quozl.linux.org.au/
>         --
>         James Cameron
>         [10]http://quozl.linux.org.au/
>         _______________________________________________
>         Devel mailing list
>         [11]Devel at lists.laptop.org
>         [12]http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/devel
> References:
> [1] mailto:martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
> [2] mailto:quozl at laptop.org
> [3] http://code.metager.de/source/xref/freedesktop/telepathy/salut/lib/gibber/gibber-multicast-transport.c
> [4] http://dev.laptop.org/git/olpc-kernel/log/?h=arm-3.5
> [5] http://rpmdropbox.laptop.org/f20-xo4/
> [6] http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/olpc-os-builder/commit/?id=f34ddb8b83ca6b9cb657e115df117ffa3704eea5
> [7] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/BugSquad/Telepathy_Debugging
> [8] http://0org.freedesktop.telepathy.ch/
> [9] http://quozl.linux.org.au/
> [10] http://quozl.linux.org.au/
> [11] mailto:Devel at lists.laptop.org
> [12] http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/devel

James Cameron

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