[Sugar-devel] Regarding JS collaboration project

Prasoon Shukla prasoon92.iitr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 12:06:42 EST 2014

Hi all

My name is Prasoon Shukla. I'll be applying as a student to GSoC 2014.

I have been exploring the possible project candidates (
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Summer_of_Code/2014) and  JavaScript
collaboration and social help seem like good projects (considering my
competance and previous experience).

Anyway, I haven't been able to decide which of the two projects I really
want to dedicate my attention to. I've already had a chat with Walter about
social help. Now, I'd like to ask a few thing about JS collaboration. (I
couldn't find manuq on IRC, so I'm asking here.)

So, first thing is that I don't quite understand *how* the collaboration is
supposed to work. But perhaps this hasn't been decided by the dev team
either as of yet since the project page says - "The first step is to agree
upon a collaboration strategy with the developer team". So, I'd like to
have a discussion on it - Are we going to have a realtime collaboration
model like say, http://conceptboard.com ? Or, do we have a sharing based
collaboration setup which is similar to traditional email/github like
sharing (this will be quite cumbersome, I think)? Also, since the sugar-web
activities will be based on web-technologies, I was wondering if we can
experiment with a server written in node.js (I've found it a great tool for
realtime apps).

The other thing that I'm confused about is the expected result - "Rich,
intuitive collaboration *between JavaScript Activities*". How does
collaboration b/w different sugar activities work (Maybe an example)? Or
does this mean the same thing as collaboration b/w different users using
the same activity (which I think should be the case)? This seemed a bit
confusing, so I'd like to get it clarified.

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