[Sugar-devel] Formal question regarding Feature Policy

Christian Stroetmann stroetmann at ontolab.com
Thu Mar 6 07:33:21 EST 2014

Hi Gonzalo

Before any complaints hit the the mailing list I prefer to ask twice.

In this case the question is related with the paragraph 'Propose a 
feature for addition into the release cycle', point 2 of the webpage 
Features/Policy that says:
"If your feature adds UI or changes the current UI please add as well 
the [DESIGN] tag to the subject. Please add the flag as well if the work 
flow does change or new ones are added."
As I understand this it means [FEATURE] [DESIGN] is correct.

Actually, I do not expect that others will implement proposed features 
of me, so I only propose features that I am interested in for 
implementation on my side.


> Probably [FEATURE] is enough. Will have a Design discussion anyway.
> Remember the feature wiki page do not mean will be implemented by magic,
> somebody need take responsibility of do the work.
> Also, we will not land more features for 0.102, see our schedule [1]
> Gonzalo
> [1] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.education.sugar.devel/45851
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Christian Stroetmann 
> <stroetmann at ontolab.com <mailto:stroetmann at ontolab.com>> wrote:
>     Aloha
>     Already some days ago I read the webpage about the Feature Policy
>     following one of the hints of Gonzalo Odiard.
>     Now I have a little question.
>     On the webpage Feature Policy it is written something about what
>     has to be written in the subject field of related e-mails.
>     So, if somebody wants to publicate a feature that is related with
>     the design, what has to be written in the subject field?
>     or only
>     [DESIGN]
>     Have fun
>     Christian
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> -- 
> Gonzalo Odiard
> SugarLabs - Learning Software for children
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