[Sugar-devel] Porting the application I started (chess_learning) to Web application

laurent bernabe laurent.bernabe at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 14:50:26 EST 2014

>> Chances are:
>> a. your activity has scrollable content (Get Things Done for example)

This is my preferred method in applications I am used to develop in Java
(with the Swing GUI library). Meanwhile, I am wondering whether this is the
best strategy in order to augment the user experience in the XO.

>> b. your activity adapts to the available space (Gears for example)

Maybe I should check how this is done in Gears.


There is also another point that could improve my development work :

as my project LearningChess should be "divided" into several subactivities
(one for the very basical moves, one for the main special moves such as
castling/en-passant prise/promotion..., one for the won/lost/draw game
state), no doubt that there will be common code between the different

So I am seeking for a way to share some code/ressources from a common
repository reserved for that purpose, to the different official activities
: is that simple to do in Github (so in Sugar gitorious) ? Or maybe, the
best way to develop this learning is to develop a single activity from
which I add a single menu ?


2014/1/6 Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org>

> 2014/1/6 laurent bernabe <laurent.bernabe at gmail.com>:
> > Thank you for your advices.
> >
> > In fact, for the pictures, I plan to use those from Wikimedia Commons :
> I've
> > been told on this mailing list that it can be OK.
> >
> > For the screen sizes, I'll try to do my best to work for the common
> screen
> > sizes, though I have a laptop of 16'' (an so a kind of 16/9 configuration
> > instead of 4/3).
> Chances are:
> a. your activity has scrollable content (Get Things Done for example)
> b. your activity adapts to the available space (Gears for example)
> So you don't need to worry about screen aspect ratios, just make sure
> your content either scrolls (a) or adapts (b).
> --
> .. manuq ..
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