[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Fwd: [IAEP] Set GNU GPL in monospace font

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Mon Feb 17 08:19:48 EST 2014

Thanks Ryan,
it certainly looks better, do you miind sending a pull request?  I'm
happy to commit this.

2014-02-17 10:07 GMT-03:00 Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org>:
> Where is the screenshot?
> 2014-02-15 20:16 GMT-03:00 Ignacio Rodríguez <nachoel01 at gmail.com>:
>> Sorry but +1 for the idea
>> 2014-02-15 21:00 GMT-02:00, Ryan Cunningham <rvskmbrly3 at gmail.com>:
>>> Here's a screenshot of the changes.
>>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Ryan Cunningham
>>> <rvskmbrly3 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> *From:* Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>
>>>> *Date:* February 15, 2014 at 10:44:57 AM PST
>>>> *To:* Ryan Cunningham <rvskmbrly3 at gmail.com>
>>>> *Cc:* iaep <iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org>
>>>> *Subject:* *Re: [IAEP] Set GNU GPL in monospace font*
>>>> Hi,
>>>> the best place to post this is sugar-devel, also put [DESIGN] in the
>>>> title
>>>> to attract design team attention. Thanks!
>>>> On 15 February 2014 19:43, Ryan Cunningham <rvskmbrly3 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Are any of you convinced to set the GNU GPL in a monospace font in the
>>>>> 'About My Computer' control panel? If so, here's a patch for it (at the
>>>>> bottom).
>>>>> The GNU GPL text file (v2.0) looks quite bad in a proportional font; but
>>>>> someone over at your GitHub repositories said that proportional fonts
>>>>> are
>>>>> better for dyslexic people.
>>>>> Here, I import an additional standard PyGTK class, "Pango" (from the
>>>>> module "gi.repository"), to handle font switching.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> diff --git a/extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py
>>>>> b/extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py
>>>>> index 6235e5c..5714145 100644
>>>>> --- a/extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py
>>>>> +++ b/extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py
>>>>> @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
>>>>>  from gettext import gettext as _
>>>>> -from gi.repository import Gtk
>>>>> +from gi.repository import Gtk, Pango
>>>>>  from gi.repository import Gdk
>>>>>  from sugar3.graphics import style
>>>>> @@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ def license_expander_cb(self, expander, param_spec):
>>>>>              view_license = Gtk.TextView()
>>>>>              view_license.set_editable(False)
>>>>> view_license.get_buffer().set_text(self._model.get_license())
>>>>> +            fd = Pango.FontDescription('Monospace')
>>>>> +            view_license.modify_font(fd)
>>>>>              view_license.show()
>>>>>              expander.add(view_license)
>>>>>          else:
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>>>>> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
>>>> --
>>>> Daniel Narvaez
>>> --
>>> Ryan Cunningham
>> --
>> Saludos.
>> Ignacio Rodríguez
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
> --
> .. manuq ..

.. manuq ..

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