[Sugar-devel] Building a customized image of Sugar .100

Gustavo Duarte gus.duarte at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 10:53:10 EDT 2014

I'm trying with AU oob scripts, from
https://github.com/godiard/olpc-os-builder/tree/au1b, and using a USB
driver, :) to avoid nfs problem, and the generation isn't finishing well,
the error showed bellow occurs.

I tried with olpc-os-13.2.0-xo1.75.ini configuration file, on a XO 1.75
with 31013o2.zd image, and followed the steps described on:

Any idea, what i'm doing wrong ?

Firewall was disabled, unable to convert to zone.
No changes to default zone needed.
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable olpc-dm.service'.
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/olpc-dm.service'
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable olpc-configure.service'.
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/olpc-configure.service'
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable olpc-boot-finish.service'.
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/olpc-boot-finish.service'
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/plymouth-shutdown-wait.service'
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/plymouth-shutdown-wait.service'
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/plymouth-shutdown-wait.service'
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable powerd.service'.
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable olpc-kbdshim.service'.
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable olpc-switchd.service'.
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl enable runin-check.service'.
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/runin-check.service'
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl disable dnsmasq.service'.
error al leer la información del servicio ip6tables: No existe el fichero o
el directorio
error al leer la información del servicio iptables: No existe el fichero o
el directorio
error al leer la información del servicio mdmonitor: No existe el fichero o
el directorio
error al leer la información del servicio netfs: No existe el fichero o el
Nota: Reenviando petición a 'systemctl disable sshd.service'.
rm '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/sshd.service'
Executing code generated by
Executing code generated by kspost:base/kspost.10.core.inc...
Removing password for user olpc.
passwd: Success
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/ds-backup.timer'
Operation failed: No such file or directory
ERROR:root:Error creating Live CD : %post script failed with code 1
INFO:root:Unmounting directory
WARNING:root:Unmounting directory
/oob/olpc-os-builder/oob-go/build/imgcreate-SnbRo3/install_root failed,
using lazy umount
Unmounting directory
/oob/olpc-os-builder/oob-go/build/imgcreate-SnbRo3/install_root failed,
using lazy umount
INFO:root:lazy umount succeeded on
lazy umount succeeded on
INFO:root:Losetup remove /dev/loop0
 * Caught error, cleanup and then bail out.
 * Running part cleanup base cleanup.50.cleanup.sh...
 * Running part cleanup buildnr_from_file cleanup.50.write_buildnr.sh...

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Gustavo Duarte <gus.duarte at gmail.com>

> Thanks James, I went for the easier way, got a USB FLASH and all working
> fine.
> Regards.
> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 9:31 PM, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 12:24:38PM -0300, Gustavo Duarte wrote:
>> > fiemap ioctl() failed
>> > zhashfs: zhashfs.c:156: read_extents: Assertion `(fiemap != ((void
>> *)0))'
>> > failed.
>> The FIEMAP feature is not supported on your NFS.  It isn't clear that
>> it will remain unsupported; there seems ample mention of the
>> combination in a quick Google.
>> When I built the sparse .zd feature I used a pattern fill of unused
>> blocks to recognise them [1], but when Daniel Drake merged this he
>> used FIEMAP [2].
>> To avoid the problem, you may either:
>> - use eMMC or SD card,
>> - use USB FLASH or hard drive,
>> - use the network block device (nbd-server, nbd-client), or;
>> - use the loopback block device (losetup) over NFS.
>> You can also use a version of bin/zhashfs.c before the change, but you
>> will also have to change how the empty image is created.
>> References:
>> [1]
>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Quozl/fs-update-skip-unused-blocks#Pattern_Fill_Unused_Blocks
>> [2]
>> http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/olpc-os-builder/commit/?id=bf0e0408ad49a32d733883c3bc832be0717b0298
>> --
>> James Cameron
>> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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