[Sugar-devel] Using the DojoToolkit in a Sugar WebService ?

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Thu Oct 3 08:13:13 EDT 2013

2013/10/3 Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org>:
> 2013/10/3 laurent bernabe <laurent.bernabe at gmail.com>:
>> 2013/10/3 Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org>
>>> OK, I suggest you give a try to Dojo and come back later to tell us
>>> how it went.  Your investigation can be valuable for future activity
>>> developers.
>> The only drawback, apart to the one you pointed to me, is the size of Dojo
>> when installing with volo (Maybe, I can download only the core part. Is it
>> possible with Volo ?) : around  3Mb. And I don't think that is the ideal for
>> a bundle XO.
> Yeah Dojo is big.

I just checked and the bulk of the weight ~2.5MB is in directories
dojo/cldr and dojo/nls . Those contain locale data, derived from the
CLDR project.  Maybe you can just remove them?

.. manuq ..

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