[Sugar-devel] [Olpc-uruguay] [Sugar-desarrollo] Introducing SimpleActivity / Introduciendo SimpleActivity

Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez aguz at sugarlabs.org
Fri Nov 22 11:47:50 EST 2013

Thanks everyone and UPDATE:

The classes are now in separated files for don't import all the sharing
stuff if it is not necessary (simpleactivity.py - sharedactivity.py):
If you want to implement collaboration you will have to put both files
(because SharedActivity depends of SimpleActivity) in your activity, if
not, you just have to include simpleactivity.py
This change was proposed by Gonzalo.
And now I am using the mainline repository is [1] just for these two files.

The demo I tell you in my first email is now in the "sharing-demo"
repository [2], and there is one more repository which is called "demo"
where I will (not yet) put the demo without collaboration as requested by

And also I cloned HelloWorld [3], and I make it use SimpleActivity, and was
done in 14 lines (of code) plus license and other commented lines.

[1] https://git.sugarlabs.org/simpleactivity/mainline
[2] https://git.sugarlabs.org/simpleactivity/sharing-demo

Thank you for your review,

2013/11/22 Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez <aguz at sugarlabs.org>

> Muchas gracias por todo Eduardo, voy a ver si me doy una vuelta algun dia,
> yo les aviso :)
> Saludos,
> aguz
> 2013/11/22 eduardo duarte <duarteeduardo021 at gmail.com>
>> Felicitaciones Agustín !! desde Centro RAP y Espacio Ceibal Toledo -
>> Canelones - Uruguay . Y nuestro impulso para que sigas adelante con todos
>> tus proyectos que nos muestran en el mundo con toda tu capacidad innovadora
>> con la tecnología de la herramienta Ceibal.-
>> Estamos a las órdenes en nuestro Centro por si tenés tiempo uno de estos
>> días y querés darte una vuelta, si llega a ser posible en el tiempo que sea
>> organizamos (con previo aviso y tiempo) para que des tus charlas a todos
>> nosotros e nuestras atenciones del Centro RAP y Espacio Ceibal de los
>> miércoles en estas vaciones !
>> No te sientas comprometido, es solamente una invitación cordial para
>> cuando te sobre un poquito de tiempo, y desde ya muchísimas gracias por tus
>> aportes !
>> Nosotros estamos en la Biblioteca "Mario Benedetti" del Municipio de
>> Toledo en la ciudad de Toledo - Canelones , ruta 6 , por cualquier
>> contacto: duarteeduardo021 at gmail.com y mi cel: 099139186 soy el
>> responsable en territorio del Centro RAP y Espacio Ceibal Toledo, e
>> integrante de RAP-Ceibal Uruguay.-
>> Un abrazo.
>> Eduardo Duarte - Centro RAP y Espacio Ceibal Toledo.
>> duarteeduardo021 at gmail.com
>> centroraptoledo at gmail.com
>> 2013/11/22 Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org>
>>>  Separated files to SimpleActivity and SharedActivity would be good,
>>> to avoid importing all the telepathy and network stuff if will not be
>>> used.
>>> I would like to see a HelloWorld example, the extreme minimal needed to
>>> create a activity.
>>> Gonzalo
>>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez <
>>> aguz at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> James:
>>>> I take your point... I am going to make separated branches one for
>>>> collaboration and another for just a SimpleActivity Activity.
>>>> I will try to do that today, anyway I will notify.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> aguz
>>>> 2013/11/22 James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>
>>>> > +1
>>>> >
>>>> > I have reviewed simpleactivity.py and testactivity.py
>>>> >
>>>> > This code is very legible and explains well what it does, and can
>>>> > serve as an example for new activity authors.
>>>> >
>>>> > The docstrings in simpleactivity.py are an effective explanation of
>>>> > the simplified API, so perhaps you can generate the documentation from
>>>> > them in the usual Python fashion.
>>>> >
>>>> > Next to do is for a few activities to be developed using
>>>> > SimpleActivity, so that you can see what remains common to the new
>>>> > activities.  The common code might then be added to SimpleActivity.
>>>> >
>>>> > testactivity.py is derived from SharedActivity, and so it is complex,
>>>> > because a collaborating activity is complex.  I'd like to see also an
>>>> > activity example derived from SimpleActivity.
>>>> >
>>>> > The number of imports done by testactivity.py still seems high, and a
>>>> > SimpleActivity example may be able to reduce that.
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > James Cameron
>>>> > http://quozl.linux.org.au/
>>>> >
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