[Sugar-devel] sugar-web - How to load non-AMD js modules / libs?

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Tue Nov 5 14:47:24 EST 2013

2013/11/5 Code <iraguet at activitycentral.com>:
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org> wrote:
>> 2013/11/4 Code <iraguet at activitycentral.com>:
>> > I think this is off-topic...
>> > BTW: perhaps you wanna see this thread from RequireJS' list where James
>> > Burke (core developer of RequireJS lib) talks about these syntax forms.
>> > If there is something realted to this to add, would u open a new thread,
>> > please?
>> >
>> >
>> > Getting back to the former topic (loading non-AMD modules):
>> > There is another approach, require.config() calls are additive, so it is
>> > possible to call config from other file than loader.js and require
>> > merges
>> > it.
>> >
>> > example of a require.config() from activity.js:
>> > https://gist.github.com/code-sur/7305059  ...loader.js stills as it is
>> > in
>> > sugar-web-template
>> >
>> > pros:
>> > * no need to modify loader.js
>> > * some developers would set other requirejs options
>> >
>> > cons:
>> > * whole config may spreads among many files
>> >
>> > The last "con" may be a "pro" if you want to clearly separete the
>> > framework
>> > config from the activity specific config
>> Yeah.  I think it is up to the activity developer to choose one or the
>> other.  The shim looks more prominent in RequireJS docs.
>> Here is how I used the shim in Gears activity, just for reference:
>> https://github.com/manuq/gears-activity/blob/master/js/loader.js
>> By the way, I have talked with the developer of the lib involved,
>> gearsketch, and he is happy if I provide a patch to make his code an
>> AMD module.  In general I think its good to do this.
> +1
> I think that this is the right path, too, but I'm thinking from the point of
> view of an occasional activity developer how just wants to build-up an
> activity with his/her daily web tools.
> I want to ease the work of activity devs... if it is somewhat hard to do,
> they won't build anything.


> I'd like to write a very tiny paragraph at the doc under the title of "Using
> other JavaScript libraries" that tells you where to put the shim config if
> you have any non-AMD module.

Good.  Feel free to add an explanation, and then just link the
RequireJS documentation, as Daniel proposed.  Doesn't make sense to
duplicate their docs.

> Seems weird to ask for putting shim config at loader.js and a few lines
> above in the doc says that you shouldn't touch that file.

Well nothing is written in stone, we can change the lines above.  But
we should keep them simple.  Their purpose is to answer the question:
where should I put my JS code? And my HTML? And my CSS?

So my proposal is around this patch:

--- a/activity.md
+++ b/activity.md
@@ -59,10 +59,11 @@ In your new activity, you will find the following
file structure:

 * `css/activity.css` is where you add the styling of your activity.

-Those are the files you'll modify.  The others are:
+Those are the files you'll modify in most cases.  The others are:

 * `js/loader.js` configures the libraries paths and loads your
-  `js/activity.js`
+  `js/activity.js` . You can add non-AMD libraries here (FIXME link to
+  section below for non-AMD libs).

 * `lib/` contains the libraries


.. manuq ..

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