[Sugar-devel] Error doing ./osbuild build

Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn alanjas at hotmail.com
Mon May 27 23:18:20 EDT 2013

>>I have the following proposals:>>* Review the dependencies. Have more and more dependencies is a recipe to a nightmare.
Yes.. And some are "superflous"
>>* Split the compilation, one part to compile sugar and another to compile sugar-web,
>>sugar-web is more unstable, and have a lot of issues.
+1I ever think have a "only sugar compilation" and other for the rest (I never want to "compile"the activities.. I only want sugar! )
>>* The buildbot should compile all, doing a clean clone. 
Compile ever before build?
>>* If possible, the changes should be tested before are commited to git. 

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