[Sugar-devel] Unit tests in Sugar HTML

Daniel Narvaez dwnarvaez at gmail.com
Tue May 14 08:41:43 EDT 2013

Good point about interactive usage, I was not thinking about it. I would
like to use the karma command directly rather then wrapping if possible. I
think we can setup karma browser to be something like

sugar-runner --test-command sugar-html-activity

It will need tweaks likely but the code for this is mostly there already
(used for gtk UI tests).

Then if you want to use karma interactively you can just

make shell
karma start

And in make check we run

karma start --single-run

On Tuesday, 14 May 2013, Manuel Quiñones wrote:

> 2013/5/13 Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com <javascript:;>>:
> > I'm not sure you can run webkitgtk headless. And we will need the sugar
> > shell running for apisocket to work (in the future I would like UI and
> > backend to be better decoupled, but that will require a lot of
> refactoring).
> >
> > It should not be a prob though, we can run karma inside sugar, inside
> xvfb,
> > and set the browser command to sugar-html-activity.
> Ah, good.
> --
> .. manuq ..

Daniel Narvaez
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