[Sugar-devel] A Sugar webactivity in Android

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Thu May 9 01:41:31 EDT 2013

On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 01:46:38AM -0300, Manuel Qui?ones wrote:
> apk:
> https://github.com/manuq/clockjs-android/blob/master/bin/ClockJS.apk?raw=true

I tried this, but I got all three hands of the clock pointing straight
down at the 6.

I like the startup time; 3.5s maximum, 1.3s minimum on Android,
versus 4.2s maximum, 3.7s minimum on Sugar on XO-4 13.1.0.

(maximum is caches empty, minimum is caches populated).

James Cameron

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