[Sugar-devel] Sugar Framework for full HTML5 activity - subject proposal for GSoC

lionel at olpc-france.org lionel at olpc-france.org
Fri Mar 22 09:16:52 EDT 2013

Hi all,


I’m thinking to do a proposal for GSoC around “Sugar Framework for writing
activity in full HTML5/JavaScript”.

My idea is to package and enhance the work I’ve done on [1], specifically to
fully avoid the need to write any Python code.

I’ve got experience of student mentoring but never on GSoC mentoring.

Plus I’m not fully aware of Sugar internal and about the capacity to build
something like a new sort of activity packaging.

So, if you think that it could be a good GSoC subject for Sugar and if
someone is okay to co-mentoring with me, I could do a proposal.


Tell me.


Best regards from France.






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