[Sugar-devel] Network proxy, configuration

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Thu Mar 14 17:19:38 EDT 2013


This discussion is making me nervous. The standard model of the XO has 
been that they are connected to the internet via the school server.
Is it proposed to set up this proxy-server as a requirement for all XOs 
and for the user (primary school children) to have to manage this even 
when no access to the internet is available or even when that access is 
provided by the school server?


On 03/14/2013 04:35 PM, sugar-devel-request at lists.sugarlabs.org wrote:
>>In other words, I can't imagine every 6-12 year old student in a
>>school going into the control panel and typing (without error) a load
>>of proxy details. In my experience things like this are incredibly
>>challenging especially because the users cannot relate to the task at
>>hand (unless you want to teach them about computer networks first).

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