[Sugar-devel] Your help is needed!

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 21:40:41 EDT 2013

Dear Sugar Developers,

The Translation Team is in desperate need of help to catch up with the
development workflow.

1) We need to migrate to a new Pootle instance that will get us upgraded to

Our suggestion workflow has not worked for a long time, but we have lived
with it. There are a lot of new features in 2.5 that I think would be a big
help to us (translation memory access, etc.).

2)  We need to re-engineer (and re-document) the process by which Glucose
versions are connected to Pootle from GitHub.  All of those wonderful new
features in Glucose are only going to be available to English speakers
unless we can get L10n going on Glucose again.

I have tried to recruit someone to help with #1 before, but I unfortunately
keep losing my volunteers before they get started.  I just do not have the
time or the technical skills to take this on by myself.  I need someone to
step up to the plate and see this effort through.

#2 could possibly be tested before we have #1 done, but again, I don't have
the time or the github-fu to address this myself, so I need a volunteer.

Who is it going to be?

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
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