[Sugar-devel] Query regarding "Wikipedia(EN)" activity

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Tue Feb 26 09:59:31 EST 2013

> Thanks Gonzalo, but won't the steps listed at
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Wikipedia/HowTo generate this
> "images-metainfo" file automatically? If not, please provide me the file :)
Yes. But you need do all the process to get the images-metainfo before
download the images. I already did the process, then I can provide the
files to you and skip the previous steps.
You can download the files favorites_en.txt
and enwiki-20111201-pages-articles.xml.page_images from

> Another thing, did you happen to calculate the total size of the
> WikipediaES activity, after including the images?
> If this comes out to be in gigabytes, obviously there is no point in
> including the activity-with-images on the XO.
Are not gigabytes, but remember we download the images scaled to the size
displayed in the wiki page (usually really small). To see the full size
images you need be connected anyway. In the case of the Spanish wiki, are

Of course, if you want have the images stored in the school server, you can
modify download_images.py


> Thanks again Gonzalo for all the replies.
>>> Gonzalo
> --
> Regards,
> Ajay Garg
> Dextrose Developer
> Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com
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