[Sugar-devel] From GConf to GSettings

Daniel Narvaez dwnarvaez at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 16:38:32 EST 2013

Thanks this awesome.

It seems these can be split in

1 Sugar settings. /desktop/sugar/...
2 Activity setting. /apps/...

For the all keys in group 1, I think we to keep setting them for a while
both in gconf and in gsettings. They are API and just breaking it would be
bad. We should deprecate them now and remove them later. I think Gonzalo
suggestion to have python methods to access the most common might be a good
idea, but IMO it's not sufficient and not necessary for the plain port
(other GCI task?).

About group 2, I think we should figure out what it would take to make
gsettings schemas work for activities. Then it will be easier to discuss if
we want that to be our suggested way to store settings for activities. I
don't think it should block porting the sugar core to gsettings though,
it's another step (and perhaps another GCI task).

I think it's important to document what activity authors should be doing
here (once we figured it out exactly). Perhaps that's something we should
put in sugar-docs? We have no python activities documentation there yet,
but if we never start...

On 26 December 2013 21:00, Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org> wrote:

> I did a search in all the xo I have downloaded from ASLO two months ago,
> then, can be a little outdated but is useful as reference.
> Of 682 .xo files, only 36 read values from gconf.
> Looking for "client.get_" :
> grep -in client.get_ *.py | grep -v get_default | wc -l
>     100
> But many are reading nick/color:
> [gonzalo at localhost gconf_use]$ grep -in client.get_ *.py | grep nick | wc
> -l
> 23
> [gonzalo at localhost gconf_use]$ grep -in client.get_ *.py | grep color |
> wc -l
> 34
> And a few get the value of '/desktop/sugar/power/automatic'
> grep -in client.get_ *.py | grep power | wc -l
> 10
> The other are in 15 activities:
> [gonzalo at localhost gconf_use]$ grep -in client.get_ *.py | grep -v
> get_default | grep -v nick | grep -v color | grep -v power | awk -F '.'
> '{print $2}' | sort -u
> xo_AmazonasTortuga
> xo_Browse
> xo_FileShare
> xo_IconChange
> xo_Labyrinth
> xo_Mirage
> xo_MouseCam
> xo_TortugadeMexico
> xo_TurtleArtMini
> xo_TurtleBlocks
> xo_TurtleBots
> xo_TurtleConfusion
> xo_TurtleFlags
> xo_WelcomeWeb
> xo_Write
> [gonzalo at localhost gconf_use]$ grep -in client.get_ *.py | grep -v
> get_default | grep -v nick | grep -v color | grep -v power
> addon-4024-latest.xo_Browse.activity_webactivity.py:92:    backup_url =
> client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/backup_url')
> addon-4024-latest.xo_Browse.activity_webactivity.py:97:    jabber_server
> = client.get_string(
> addon-4027-latest.xo_TurtleBlocks.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4027-latest.xo_TurtleBlocks.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:133:
>        if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4027-latest.xo_TurtleBlocks.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:135:
>        if not self.client.get_int(self._COORDINATE_SCALE) in [0, 1]:
> addon-4027-latest.xo_TurtleBlocks.activity_turtleblocks.py:234:
>  if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4027-latest.xo_TurtleBlocks.activity_turtleblocks.py:237:
>  if not self.client.get_int(self._COORDINATE_SCALE) in [0, 1]:
> addon-4078-latest.xo_Labyrinth.activity_src_Browser.py:96: width =
> self.config_client.get_int ('/apps/labyrinth/width')
> addon-4078-latest.xo_Labyrinth.activity_src_Browser.py:97: height =
> self.config_client.get_int ('/apps/labyrinth/height')
> addon-4078-latest.xo_Labyrinth.activity_src_Browser.py:98: utils.use_bezier_curves
> = self.config_client.get_bool ('/apps/labyrinth/curves')
> addon-4078-latest.xo_Labyrinth.activity_src_Browser.py:109: sort_order =
> self.config_client.get_int('/apps/labyrinth/map_sort_order')
> addon-4078-latest.xo_Labyrinth.activity_src_Browser.py:110: column_id =
> self.config_client.get_int('/apps/labyrinth/map_sort_order_column')
> addon-4078-latest.xo_Labyrinth.activity_src_MainWindow.py:221: if not
> self.config_client.get_bool('/apps/labyrinth/show_tree_view'):
> addon-4201-latest.xo_Write.activity_speechtoolbar.py:109:
>  speech.pitch = self._cnf_client.get_int('/desktop/sugar/speech/pitch')
> addon-4201-latest.xo_Write.activity_speechtoolbar.py:110:
>  speech.rate = self._cnf_client.get_int('/desktop/sugar/speech/rate')
> addon-4201-latest.xo_Write.activity_speechtoolbar.py:139:        value =
> client.get_int(key)
> addon-4266-latest.xo_FileShare.activity_FileShareActivity.py:116:
>    jabber_serv =
> client.get_string("/desktop/sugar/collaboration/jabber_server")
> addon-4298-latest.xo_TurtleArtMini.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4298-latest.xo_TurtleArtMini.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:124:
>    if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4298-latest.xo_TurtleArtMini.activity_turtleblocks.py:222:
>  if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4363-latest.xo_Mirage.activity_mirage.py:698: style =
> client.get_string('/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style')
> addon-4363-latest.xo_Mirage.activity_pippy_app.py:700: style =
> client.get_string('/desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_style')
> addon-4434-latest.xo_TurtleBots.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4434-latest.xo_TurtleBots.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:124:
>  if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4434-latest.xo_TurtleBots.activity_turtleblocks.py:222:        if
> self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4450-latest.xo_TurtleConfusion.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4450-latest.xo_TurtleConfusion.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:138:
>          if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4450-latest.xo_TurtleConfusion.activity_turtleconfusion.py:226:
>    if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4487-latest.xo_MouseCam.activity_activity.py:137:
>  gconf_persist_value = self.client.get_float('/apps/mousecam/adj')
> addon-4487-latest.xo_MouseCam.activity_activity.py:149:
>  gconf_persist_value = self.client.get_int('/apps/mousecam/threshold')
> addon-4585-latest.xo_AmazonasTortuga.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4585-latest.xo_AmazonasTortuga.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:132:
>      if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4585-latest.xo_AmazonasTortuga.activity_turtleblocks.py:222:
>  if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4668-latest.xo_TortugadeMexico.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4668-latest.xo_TortugadeMexico.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:133:
>      if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4668-latest.xo_TortugadeMexico.activity_turtleblocks.py:223:
>  if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4682-latest.xo_TurtleFlags.activity_collaboration_neighborhood.py:797:
>        server = client.get_string(
> addon-4682-latest.xo_TurtleFlags.activity_TurtleArtActivity.py:140:
>      if self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4682-latest.xo_TurtleFlags.activity_turtleflags.py:225:        if
> self.client.get_int(self._HOVER_HELP) == 1:
> addon-4683-latest.xo_IconChange.activity_Widgets.py:45:    value =
> client.get_string(path)
> addon-4697-latest.xo_WelcomeWeb.activity_activity.py:345:    face =
> client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/font/default_face')
> addon-4697-latest.xo_WelcomeWeb.activity_activity.py:346:    size =
> client.get_float('/desktop/sugar/font/default_size')
> For better analysis or peer review, you can get the files where I found
> the string gconf/GConf
> here http://dev.laptop.org/~gonzalo/gconf_use.zip
> If someone want download all the xo files in aslo, I have a script to do
> it,
> but would be good discuss with the infrastructure team before we start to
> do massive downloads.
> Probably there are a better way to do it.
> My proposals:
> * Activities should use sugar3.profile get_nick_name() and get_color()
> methods.
> * Other popular/needed sugar configurations (power mode, speech
> configurations)should be available as methods in the toolkit.
> Gonzalo
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 26 December 2013 18:17, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> About activities, there is probably a way to make them ship schemas but
>>> I'm wondering what's the advantage for them to use gsettings vs a json or
>>> ini file. It feels like added complexity without real advantages.
>> Gonzalo pointed out that deployments are using the gconf tools to set
>> stuff like Write font. That''s probably a good use case.
>> Still I hope we can deal with activity specific settings separately in
>> the port (perhaps even a separated GCI task?).
>> --
>> Daniel Narvaez
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Daniel Narvaez
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