[Sugar-devel] [web-activity] functional tests and env.isStandalone's current implementation

Daniel Narvaez dwnarvaez at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 16:47:04 EST 2013

On 19 December 2013 21:48, Rogelio Mita <rogeliomita at activitycentral.com>wrote:

> All sugar-web's tests are running into activityweb container, using
> sugar-web-test activity, all url requests which they do, have "http"
> scheme, and our current implementation of isStandanlone makes check on the
> current scheme of the request given (isStandalone method<https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-web/blob/master/env.js#L40>),
> then...

You mean "activity" scheme right?

> functional tests believe are in standalone mode when they use isStandalone
> method. Mocking this method on unit tests is ok... but we think is not good
> idea mocking this on functional tests... or yes???

Can you explain what you mean with functional tests? (perhaps just lacking
terminology on my side).
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