[Sugar-devel] Adding compatibility in webactivity to webkit1

Lionel Laské lionel at olpc-france.org
Tue Dec 3 09:54:59 EST 2013

Hi Daniel,

May be I miss something but I don't see any compatibility risk on existing
Web Activity neither need to upgrade the Sugar Web Framework. Right ?
Another point to be sure to understand: does the change to webkit1 mean a
change of the HTML rendering engine and so a risk regarding HTML5
compatibility of current Web Activity ?
If "NO" is the answer to both answers, my advice is: let's go !



2013/12/3 Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>

> I'd really like to get feedback from more people about this!
> Ccing sugar-web contributors.
> On Wednesday, 27 November 2013, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>> When we started the work in web activities, we decided work with webkit2,
>> because is possible solve a few problems in the client side,
>> without need a local webserver.
>> But right now, in the XOs, we have F18 working, and Webkit2 crashes,
>> then I didn't find other solution than modify webactivity to work with
>> webkit1.
>> That code was included in the rpms I prepared and the testing images.
>> I would like propose include this change in master,
>> used only when a environment variable is set, to make easier the testing,
>> and be sure the changes we do works in both webkit1 and webkit2.
>> A first proposal is available here
>> https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/pull/54
>> Thoughts?
>> Gonzalo
> --
> Daniel Narvaez
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