[Sugar-devel] Adding compatibility in webactivity to webkit1

Rogelio Mita rogeliomita at activitycentral.com
Mon Dec 2 23:26:44 EST 2013

I need more context about emergence of sugar-toolkit-gtk3 but...

I am agree with that points:
Gonzalo says:

> Another alternative is find what is crashing in webkit2 and solve it, but
> is out of my knowledge.

Always is an alternative write code for cover backward compatibility if
there are all pertinent tests to cover this features with all the effort
that this entails, so we need to think very carefull on that choice like
Daniel said:

> I'm not completely convinced we should support webkit1 yet. I'm worried it
> will be pretty painful to maintain.

Maybe we can ask us: *To whom these problems affect?*.
If is possible answer this questions, this can help us to take a choise.

Anyway, seems risky write two different backends for a short terms usage.
Is it possible?
- sure, but seems a lot of work, I think that is unneccessary for a short
term, IMHO.

Other risk is expand a module that is recently born such as sugar-web that
I think the goal is no clear in the horizont yet, I think that keep it
small this is a good desition right now until that the usage be more clear,
I mean, android, simple browser and XO is an wide spectrum to cover, if we
not have clarity that this serves for its purpose, add backward support
right now, is overhead in my oppinion.

2013/12/2 Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>

> I'd really like to get feedback from more people about this!
> Ccing sugar-web contributors.
> On Wednesday, 27 November 2013, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>> When we started the work in web activities, we decided work with webkit2,
>> because is possible solve a few problems in the client side,
>> without need a local webserver.
>> But right now, in the XOs, we have F18 working, and Webkit2 crashes,
>> then I didn't find other solution than modify webactivity to work with
>> webkit1.
>> That code was included in the rpms I prepared and the testing images.
>> I would like propose include this change in master,
>> used only when a environment variable is set, to make easier the testing,
>> and be sure the changes we do works in both webkit1 and webkit2.
>> A first proposal is available here
>> https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/pull/54
>> Thoughts?
>> Gonzalo
> --
> Daniel Narvaez
> --
> Roger
> Activity Central <http://activitycentral.com/>
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