[Sugar-devel] Gears and random thoughts

Suraj K S suraj.gillespie at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 10:50:35 EDT 2013

Brilliant work Manuel!

Would be nice if we could put all the web activities we've made so far,
together in one place.

On 9 August 2013 19:45, Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've made an activity out of gearsket.ch .  This is a present for our
> friend Paul Fox, who pointed me to that excellent app.  Thanks Paul!
> http://manuq.github.io/gears-activity/
> I contacted the developer and started sending pull-requests to make
> GearSketch a lib we could use, and I've been also improving the icons.
> It works great in a touchable device.  For touch support it uses
> hammer.js .  So this is another option to handle for globally adding
> touch in sugar-web.  In previous email I've mentioned pointer.js,
> which abstracts input events (mouse, touchscreen, pen tablet) like
> latest IE does.
> The help inside the app is great.  It brings a demo mode, which
> directly shows you what can be done.  It is similar to the one found
> in Implode activity.  I wish we can do that as a global solution for
> help in web activities.
> It is written in coffeescript, and after playing for a bit, I can see
> it as a possible choice for activity developers.  Its syntax sugar
> makes the code look more like the gtk activities written in python.
> One of the reasons we went for plain js for sugar-web was because of
> the View Source feature.  Well, seems that since I researched a few
> months ago, Source Maps has improved a lot, and I can see coffee code
> in the web inspector. If the code breaks or if I add a breakpoint, for
> example.  Nice!  Also, GitHub does a nice job displaying only the
> coffee changes, and hidding the JS changes by default:
> https://github.com/frankleenaars/gearsketch/pull/6/files
> Cheers,
> --
> .. manuq ..
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