[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar future

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Fri Apr 12 23:25:46 EDT 2013

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 03:48:00PM -0700, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> [...] the individual activities are *not* what makes Sugar such a
> compelling proposition. Sure, having some of them as apps on other
> platforms would be nice. But isn't collaborating and sharing at the
> heart of Sugar? The Journal as central UI? The effortless discovery
> of your peers in the neighborhood view? Etc? *That* experience would
> have to be ported to another platform first, and then the activities
> can follow. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of random apps, of which
> there are plenty already in the various app stores.

This.  Bert has nailed the fact that Sugar is more than the sum of its
parts, because the parts are coherent.

We can still port individual activities.  But having the sugar shell
running on android is a major step up in what a collection of
coherently-designed activities provide.  Noone's doing that work,
AFAIK.  I bet someone (cscott?) has already investigated its
feasibility, though...

> - Bert -

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