[Sugar-devel] [PATCH shell 2/2] Port Volume palette that has mixed content to new API

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Thu Sep 20 01:00:58 EDT 2012

This fixes VolumePalette that is used in the Journal, and in the
volume device icon.

Had to set the content box (the one passed to set_content) a property
of the palette.  Otherwise the "Show Contents" can't be added from the
device icon.  Previusly the palette.menu attribute was used for that.

Also I had to reorder the "Show Contents" item because pack_end nor
pack_start didn't pack it to the correct place.

Note that the separator packed after the Remove item is not visible.

Signed-off-by: Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org>
 extensions/deviceicon/volume.py |  8 +++++---
 src/jarabe/view/palettes.py     | 34 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extensions/deviceicon/volume.py b/extensions/deviceicon/volume.py
index 11a8cc9..ec7b2e2 100644
--- a/extensions/deviceicon/volume.py
+++ b/extensions/deviceicon/volume.py
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ from gi.repository import GConf
 from sugar3.graphics.tray import TrayIcon
 from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
-from sugar3.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
+from sugar3.graphics.palettemenuitem import PaletteMenuItem
+from sugar3.graphics.palettemenuitem import PaletteMenuItemSeparator
 from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
 from jarabe.journal import journalactivity
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class DeviceView(TrayIcon):
         palette = VolumePalette(self._mount)
-        menu_item = MenuItem(_('Show contents'))
+        menu_item = PaletteMenuItem(_('Show contents'))
         client = GConf.Client.get_default()
         color = XoColor(client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/user/color'))
         icon = Icon(icon_name=self._icon_name, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU,
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ class DeviceView(TrayIcon):
         menu_item.connect('activate', self.__show_contents_cb)
-        palette.menu.insert(menu_item, 0)
+        palette.content_box.pack_start(menu_item, True, True, 0)
+        palette.content_box.reorder_child(menu_item, 0)
         return palette
diff --git a/src/jarabe/view/palettes.py b/src/jarabe/view/palettes.py
index 50f6c83..35475d0 100644
--- a/src/jarabe/view/palettes.py
+++ b/src/jarabe/view/palettes.py
@@ -216,31 +216,35 @@ class VolumePalette(Palette):
         path = mount.get_root().get_path()
         self.props.secondary_text = glib.markup_escape_text(path)
-        vbox = Gtk.VBox()
-        self.set_content(vbox)
-        vbox.show()
+        self.content_box = Gtk.VBox()
+        self.set_content(self.content_box)
+        self.content_box.show()
+        menu_item = PaletteMenuItem(pgettext('Volume', 'Remove'))
+        icon = Icon(icon_name='media-eject', icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
+        menu_item.set_image(icon)
+        icon.show()
+        menu_item.connect('activate', self.__unmount_activate_cb)
+        self.content_box.pack_start(menu_item, True, True, 0)
+        menu_item.show()
+        separator = PaletteMenuItemSeparator()
+        self.content_box.pack_start(separator, True, True, 0)
+        separator.show()
         self._progress_bar = Gtk.ProgressBar()
-        vbox.add(self._progress_bar)
+        self.content_box.pack_start(self._progress_bar, True, True, 0)
         self._free_space_label = Gtk.Label()
         self._free_space_label.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
-        vbox.add(self._free_space_label)
+        self.content_box.pack_start(self._free_space_label, True, True, 0)
         self.connect('popup', self.__popup_cb)
-        menu_item = MenuItem(pgettext('Volume', 'Remove'))
-        icon = Icon(icon_name='media-eject', icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
-        menu_item.set_image(icon)
-        icon.show()
-        menu_item.connect('activate', self.__unmount_activate_cb)
-        self.menu.append(menu_item)
-        menu_item.show()
     def __unmount_activate_cb(self, menu_item):

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