[Sugar-devel] Not enough space adventure

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Tue Sep 18 09:34:32 EDT 2012

>  - remove the annoying check of free space
> (sugar3.datastore.datastore.SPACE_THRESHOLD = 50Mb at the moment) from
> the Journal Activity that shows all the time the ModalAlert saying
> "Your Journal is full. Please remove some entries" every time and it
> doesn't allow you to do another things.
This control was not removed, only the code was moved from sugar to
to be available for sugar and activities.

>  - compare (in Browse) the Content-Length with the free space
> available + SPACE_THRESHOLD (this is done by the helper function) and
> decide if the download is going to take place or not
In Browse there are two controls:
* Before start the download, check space available.
* While download, catch the low space signal from sugar-toolkit and stop
downlad if needed.
(This can be the case of multiple simultaneous download, or when the
browser can't get the size before downloading)

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