[Sugar-devel] A log with bugs in Sugar on XO-4.

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Wed Oct 17 07:22:29 EDT 2012

2012/10/16 S. Daniel Francis <francis at sugarlabs.org>:
> I copy the file shell.log extracted from my XO-4 after some tests in Sugar.
> (Not very sure) The errors in this log could be related with:
> 1) Clipboard doesn't work for me.


> 2) After connect successfully to the router in my house, I could not
> connect again to that router.
> I'll try to reproduce them and make their corresponding bug tickets on
> bugs.sl.org or laptop.org.
> At the moment, enjoy the log and/or suggest any other possible issue. :)

Thanks, also see:


.. manuq ..

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