[Sugar-devel] Query regarding "Drag and Drop"

Ajay Garg ajay at activitycentral.com
Wed Nov 7 00:37:53 EST 2012

Hi all.

I have been checking the drag-and-drop thing on the os* images; as of os9,
I observe ::

    *  I start to drag a journal-entry to one of the mount-points.

    *  Before I can "complete" the process of "dropping" an entry into one
of the mount-points (Documents/Mounted-Pen-Drives), a palette opens up, and
the operation is aborted.
        The palette is the same that would have cropped up, had the entry
been right-clicked.


Is this a bug; or the drag-and-copy is NOT intended to work anyways, since
we are moving to a touch-friendly version?

Will be grateful for a reply :)


Ajay Garg
Dextrose Developer
Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com
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