[Sugar-devel] Etoys mp3 files

Ajay Garg ajay at activitycentral.com
Thu May 31 14:08:39 EDT 2012

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Ajay Garg <ajay at activitycentral.com>wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de>wrote:
>> On 31.05.2012, at 19:33, Ajay Garg wrote:
>> > Ok,
>> >
>> > After much of head-banging, I finally compared the strace dumps from my
>> Dell laptop, and my XO-1.
>> > I noted that, that on Dell, squeakvm was being launched from
>> "/usr/local/lib", while on XO-1, from "/usr/bin".
>> >
>> > I made the required changes, and surprisingly, everything fell in place.
>> >
>> > Well.. only to the point of starting the etoys :\
>> >
>> >
>> > Now, upon launching the sugar-etoys, and navigating to "Supplies" ->
>> "Object Catalog" -> "Multimedia" -> "MPEGPlayer" -> "Open" -> "Choosing a
>> file" -> "Clicking OK", thankfully, the "abandon" error is no more seen :)
>> :) :)
>> >
>> > However, when I press "Play", NOTHING happens. I don't hear any sound,
>> nor do I see any error (The mp3 is fine otherwise, it playes well via
>> gst-launch).
>> Well, does sound work in Etoys otherwise? Like, in the car's viewer, if
>> you click the yellow exclamation mark button next to "car make sound", do
>> you hear anything?
>> Also, the position slider should start moving.
> Oh well, yes, the slider starts moving (how idiotic of me not to note this
> simple thing :\ )
> Also, when I press the exclamation mark - set in between "Car script1" and
> "ticking" - I hear no sound.
> Any quick idea ?
> Otherwise I am going into the depths pointed by you :D

I also don't hear any sound via "Supplies"  -> "Object Catalog" ->
"Multimedia" -> "Sound Library" -> "<any selected animal sound>"


> Thanks and Regards,
> Ajay
>> > Bert, is there a mechanism wherein I can see SOMEthing, which may give
>> a clue as to why no sound can be heard (even an error somewhere here and
>> there might be useful, but it needs to be seen first :D )
>> Well, you have the full Squeak development environment at your disposal,
>> if you care to learn how to use it ;)
>> You can press the view-source key on the XO, or Control-Comma. That gives
>> you access to the dev tools. Execute any code you see or type anywhere by
>> pressing Control-D (or Control-P or Control-I, just try the difference on
>> "3+4", for example).
>> Also, you should enable the "debugHaloHandle" preference. Then
>> right-clicking will give you a wrench icon in the halo, that lets you
>> explore the object on screen. (I usually keep this enabled using the "set
>> automatically on startup..." preference menu item)
>> If you have an object selected in the object explorer, press ctrl-b to
>> open a source code browser. Or click the middle mouse button to bring up a
>> menu (control-click works if you only have two buttons).
>> That's pretty much all you need to figure out what's going on :)
>> - Bert -
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