[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Etoys in RC4 SoaS-v7 does not start when jabber is connected. ( f17 release is imminent )

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Mon May 28 13:27:28 EDT 2012

On 28.05.2012, at 19:06, Peter Robinson wrote:

> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de> wrote:
>> What else can we do besides fixing issues and hoping you package the result? That's our take on trying to "actively improve the situation".
>> Again, Etoys 5 starts fine, Etoys 4.1 not. But we cannot really test distro stuff if it has not been packaged yet.
> The last release I remember seeing was an RC (don't remember if it was
> RC1 or 2) and I had issues and never got back to it and if I must have
> missed the final release.

I had assumed you would package even release candidates so they can be tested in the distro.

The final release is the last release candidate, Etoys 5.0.2406. I failed to send a separate notice for that, sorry.

>  Ultimately it would be nice if the
> developers of their Activities checked and tested and emailed the SoaS
> list if they have issues or the new versions have been missed.

Okay. I didn't want to bug you immediately, and after a while forgot.

> We have
> nightly builds right through the dev process and various
> Alpha/Beta/RCs etc in the lead up to final for testing. I can't test
> everything and I'm not fallible and the process we use has clearly
> defined [1] development schedule to know when fixes need to be in by.

I did send the release announcement on March 30th, so that should have been fine for the F17 beta.

>> Regarding the locale directory layout: I did not find a ticket in any of the trackers, neither upstream nor at sugarlabs or olpc. What would make the packaging easier for you?
> To use the same layout that is used by everything else so we can use
> the standard distro tools to deal with them. Probably the best package
> to look at is TurtleArt.

Would a symlink be acceptable? This would make it easier for Etoys to find the right system folder.

	/usr/share/etoys/locale -> ../../locale

	(would resolve to /usr/share/locale)

If we prefix all Etoys .mo files then they could be installed to the system folder.

- Bert -

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