[Sugar-devel] Etoys in RC4 SoaS-v7 does not start when jabber is connected. ( f17 release is imminent )

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Mon May 28 09:52:26 EDT 2012

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> On 27.05.2012, at 19:41, Thomas C Gilliard wrote:
>> On 05/27/2012 05:37 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Thomas C Gilliard
>>> <satellit at bendbroadband.com>  wrote:
>>>> I have been testing the RC4 f17 release of SoaS [1] and I see a problem with
>>>> e-toys:
>>>> If jabber.sugarlabs.org  is connected via a wireless AP, or wired network,
>>>> e-toys will not start:
>>>>  DBusError: Process /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service exited with status 1
>>>> Etoys runs fine if wireless is not logged in and/or wired network is not
>>>> connected. (no jabber connected)
>>>> As Etoys is a favorite on the f3 ring and f17 release is imminent, I feel
>>>> that this is an important bug to look at.
>>> Sorry, it was reported too late. It should have also been reported to
>>> the soas list.
>> I have been reporting this occasional failure, But only realized what was causing this behavior 3 days ago. : (
>> It is possible to use E-toys but the DBusError created by the starting example is very distracting. See bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3640#comment:1
>> The start up example seems to require process /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service
> SoaS still has the old Etoys version (4.1). Etoys 5 was released along with Sugar 0.96. It is more robust wrt presence service failures.

It has issues with translations and the non standard location it
installs them, I ran out of time to fix that and it also still needs
the sugar-presence-service package which has been obsolete for a long


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