[Sugar-devel] [PATCH Log 2/2] Log collector adds user's logs and list installed activities

Sascha Silbe silbe at activitycentral.com
Mon May 14 03:45:50 EDT 2012

Manuel Kaufmann <humitos at gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Sascha Silbe <silbe at activitycentral.com> wrote:
>> This won't work if Sugar isn't installed in /usr (e.g. when using
>> sugar-jhbuild).
> Why do you say this won't work?
> If the user doesn't have any activity installed there, that directory
> won't exist and the for won't be executed. That's all. There is no
> problem there.

But it will miss the Activities installed in the other location.

> On the other hand, I was talking with Martin these days and he told me
> there is a command called "olpc-log" that work in a similar way
> (collecting information and creating a tar.bz2 file), so maybe we
> should use this command inside log collector function to make them
> consistent.

I'm hesitant about using downstream-specific tools (and olpc- in the
name indicates it's downstream-specific) in upstream Sugar as those
usually only work properly on downstream systems (OLPC OS in this case).

What does olpc-log provide that we don't do yet? What dependencies does
it have? What information is hard-coded (e.g. user names and
directories)? What (other) assumptions does it make that may be true for
OLPC OS, but not necessarily for all systems running Sugar? What does it
do that we (= upstream Sugar) might not want to be done?

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