[Sugar-devel] RFC:Simple Help widget for activities

Pablo Flores pflores2 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 15:29:23 EDT 2012

Sorry to disagree:

* I prefer wiki-style pages to mallard as users are used to them (as they
use wikipedia) and are more maintainable.
* Making a weird question to the user that's asking for help before moving
him out to another activity doesn't seem much helpful to me :-S

Pablo Flores

2012/3/18 Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com>

> 2012/3/17 Gary Martin <garycmartin at googlemail.com>:
> > Hi Manuel,
> >
> > On 17 Mar 2012, at 18:38, Manuel Quiñones wrote:
> >
> >> El día 15 de marzo de 2012 10:48, Pablo Flores <pflores2 at gmail.com>
> escribió:
> >>>> For B. either mallard (like GNOME does) or a wiki page can be used.
> >>>> We can add a shortcut in the activities to open them.
> >>>
> >>> IIUC it would be a button that would open Browse with the activity's
> help
> >>> pages, right? I like this idea. In this case, there should be for every
> >>> activity a core documentation that keeps maintained and can be
> installed
> >>> (for having help even being offline... and for being sure the
> documentation
> >>> corresponds with the version of the activity and sugar that's being
> used).
> >>>
> >>> If we're going this way, having the wiki pages of activities updated
> would
> >>> be a high priority when it comes to Sugar documentation (to be
> considered
> >>> for the April's documentation sprint participants). It would also
> require
> >>> this documentation to be updated every time a new version of the
> activity is
> >>> developed with changes to the user experience (to be considered in the
> >>> development cycles).
> >>
> >> Yeah, also see mallard, GNOME apps use that:
> >>
> >> http://projectmallard.org/
> >>
> >>> BTW I'm afraid jumping into the browser when looking for help may be
> >>> confusing for unexperienced users, but I don't have a proposed
> solution for
> >>> this :(
> >>
> >> We should come with a real solution for opening one activity from
> >> inside another, in a way that is not disturbing for the little user.
> >> That is, we should ensure that she/he _wants_ to do it.
> >
> > I think I've mentioned this once before, but how about if we use the
> Sugar alert strip UI, much like we use it in Browse 'Show in Journal' when
> an object is downloaded? It would be something like a 'Start <object_title>
> with <default_activity>?' message. This would allow the user to Cancel if
> triggered by mistake (or maliciously/automatically), and mean the user is
> directly interacting with the dialogue to trigger the activity Start. It
> would need to be a new type of Sugar shell alert, I guess, for security
> (e.g. Sugar shell enforces the user interaction handover before the object
> is started by the new activity).
> +1 if used with some discretion. We should come up with some clear
> guidelines as to when to do this.
> >
> > Note that this generates a NEW activity object in the Journal each and
> every time an activity is used to launch another with an object. You would
> need to use the Journal (or home view) to resume an already created object
> if you didn't want another new instance generated (ideally the FS or
> datastore is/would be smart enough when identical unmodified objects are
> created to save storage space).
> >
> > Regards,
> > --Gary
> >
> >> --
> >> .. manuq ..
> >
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> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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