[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Record with camera and microphone input on VirtualBox / VMWare

Christoph Derndorfer christoph.derndorfer at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 14:16:35 EST 2012

(forwarding this message on Mark's behalf)

Thanks to everyone for your help and suggestions, and to Christoph for
posting the initial request for help. The idea here is to establish two
levels /Protocols of screencast ability for the making of video tutorials:

1) A Mac/PC based system using SoaS that would allow us to produce
professional level videos with all the bells and whistles.
2) An XO based workflow using Sugar's own Screencast activity

The concept would be to produce a few, high quality exemplars that could be
easily reproduced by folks anywhere with a Mac/PC, and to inspire local
XO-based tutorials that can be produced by kids and for kids. There are
already some great exemplars of that at archive.org where elementary school
kids have made their own Scratch tutorials in ogg.

Like many of you, my test with VB got the green light on the cam, but a
black screen, but on VB the audio worked.
On Parallels, we got the still cam working, but no video and no audio.
I haven't tried VMware yet.

VB would be best cause it is free, and I think the various suggestions that
we try an external USB mic and cam, adding them as devices, might be the
answer. My one complicating factor might be...could the Rode Podcaster USB
mic we use to narrate the tutorials also be used simultaneously in Record
to bring in the audio. We are going to test the "USB devices with USB
passthrough" idea this weekend, and I will start testing Sugar's Screencast
more rigorously. I have had success on a 1.5 at low and medium quality, but
the high quality versions have been choking for me. I want to see what
quality I can get, and how long the screencast can be, optimally.

Thanks for all your help. We are just trying to pioneer a system that will
be duplicable and scaleable...and affordable. If we figure it out, that
will be the first screencast we make!


Mark Roy Battley
1-647-219-5669 Canada
(+254) 724 497 894 Kenya

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Thomas C Gilliard <
satellit at bendbroadband.com> wrote:

> On 03/01/2012 11:22 AM, Gary Martin wrote:
>> On 1 Mar 2012, at 15:31, Peter Robinson<pbrobinson at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>  On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Caryl Bigenho<cbigenho at hotmail.com>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi SoaS folks... plus Greg!
>>>> If you do find a way to do this it would be wonderful. But, it will
>>>> have to
>>>> be easy to explain to parents, teachers, and kids. They are our target
>>>> audience (right?). I'll forward a copy of this to Greg Dreshler up at
>>>> UCSB.
>>>> He was one of my booth volunteers from SCaLE 10X and is very
>>>> knowledgable
>>>> about how to use Parallels. Maybe he will have some ideas too.
>>>> If you guys can figure this out and show me how, I will write the
>>>> documentation to make it easy for our target audience to do.
>>> I think USB devices with USB passthrough might be the easiest to do on
>>> all various different virt platforms. I believe all of them support
>>> USB passthrough and on the SoaS side we shouldn't need anything
>>> special in particular as it should just see a new USB device.
> Just tested on VirtualBox 4.1.8 for OSX on a  MacBookPro i7 in GNOME 3.3.5
> with cheese
> Defined the USB camera for pass though: Apple Inc.Facetime HD Camera
> (Built in) (0516)
> I got a green light on camera but no image.
>  Yes, when I last tested on my Mac (last late year) the camera device was
>> passed through to the VM, but back then Fedora did not recognise the
>> hardware correctly, the Mac hw camera led would light up when in 'use' but
>> otherwise just a black image. Sorry I haven't tested a more recent build.
>> Regards,
>> --Gary
>>  Peter
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Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) [www.olpc.at]
editor, OLPC News [www.olpcnews.com]
contributor, TechnikBasteln [www.technikbasteln.net]

e-mail: christoph at derndorfer.eu
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