[Sugar-devel] How to have "CellRenderer.props" take effect, without a UI refresh?

Sascha Silbe silbe at activitycentral.com
Tue Jul 24 09:42:22 EDT 2012

Ajay Garg <ajay at activitycentral.com> writes:

[toggling favourite star causes a "listview-refresh"]
>> What exactly do you mean by "listview-refresh"? Do you mean a) a redraw
>> of the current content or b) some operation that causes us to query the
>> data store (or file system)?
> By refresh, I mean to say that the data store is re-queried.

OK. We should try to avoid that; see below.

> More clearly, I changed the code (in src/jarabe/journal/listview) from ::
[adding short-circuit logic to jarabe.journal.listview.BaseListView.refresh()]

Well, if you inhibit our current way of refreshing the view, it's kind
of expected that it doesn't work anymore. ;)

What we should do is enhancing the logic to

a) just redraw instead of querying the back-end again for changes we
   triggered ourselves and / or
b) update our model based on the change notifications rather than
   throwing away our state.

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