[Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Design meeting Monday July 23rd 2012 - 14:30 UTC 1hr

Gary C Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 23 12:30:23 EDT 2012

On 19 Jul 2012, at 22:06, Gary Martin wrote:

> Hi folks,
> It's a quick turnaround for our next design meeting on Monday, this time slightly earlier at 14:30 UTC. The plan is to keep the meetings to 1 hour, or under, and use our realtime meeting to keep the various design efforts ticking over and everyone who in interested up to date with progress made. I'm hoping the majority of design conversation will take place in mail-list design threads, wiki pages and or bug.SL.org tickets.
> Proposal & mail-list links for some of the below agenda items are at:
>  http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Meetings 
> ==== Provisional agenda ====
> * Journal multi-select
> * Touch hardware support Activities, Sugar Shell, OSK.
> * Re-assessment of text-to-speech engine options, in particular think about how we can improve upstream voices to cover more of our languages, mail-list thread. cjl
> * "Examples" support for activities – use Journal volumes strip and/or ObjectChooser to allow Activities to provide access to an examples folder inside their bundles. tch
> * Lease expiry information display in My Settings -> About My Computer, mail-list thread, wiki proposal. Anish
> * <your item here>
> Time: Monday July 23rd 2012 - 14:30 UTC 1hr
> Place: #sugar-meeting
> Hope to see you there!

Thanks again to all who could make it along today! Next design meeting will be announced here later this week (likely at a slightly later time next Monday or Tuesday to allow more folks to make it).

Minutes: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2012-07-23T14:31:15.html
Log:    http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2012-07-23T14:31:15


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