[Sugar-devel] test automation

Samuel Greenfeld greenfeld at laptop.org
Sun Jul 1 15:00:50 EDT 2012

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1 July 2012 14:31, Samuel Greenfeld <greenfeld at laptop.org> wrote:
> > It was unclear though if I was enabling AT-SPI correctly or if Dogtail
> was
> > falsely thinking that it was turned on properly.  This setting differs
> > between environments [1], and X has to be restarted to make it take
> effect.
> Things has changed quite a bit recently. It was pretty easy to get it
> to work on Fedora 17. Hopefully Ubuntu will package dogtail 0.8.0 at
> some point too.

> These days I think all you need is GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge in the
> environement, both for dogtail and the applications. No X restarting.

I tried dogtail 0.7 (GTK2) and 0.8 (released last month with GTK3 support)
on Fedora 16.  I did not know you could force ATK to be enabled with an
environment variable though.  I will try that this week.

If getting AT-SPI support is that easy perhaps we should talk with the Orca
team about adopting their screen reader.

> > I may have been hampered a bit by trying to find a toolkit with a
> graphical
> > browser (to find controls without inspecting source code) during the
> GTK2 to
> > GTK3 transition.  Although AT-SPI is not GTK-specific, I still ran into a
> > lot of compilation/library mismatch issues.
sniff (part of dogtail) works from inside a sugar terminal, assuming
> GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge.

I was trying to use sniff both in the Terminal activity inside of Sugar and
outside in GNOME.  But these tests were done without this environment
variable.  I also tried Accerciser ( https://live.gnome.org/Accerciser/ ).

Dogtail seems to be the test framework we're both looking at, possibly
because Redhat helps maintain it.  Other AT-SPI frameworks include LDTP (
http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki ) and Mago ( http://mago.ubuntu.com/ ;
uses LDTP).

Graphical (non AT-SPI) test frameworks also exist.
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