[Sugar-devel] [PATCH clock] Port to Cairo

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Fri Feb 24 08:42:03 EST 2012

> 1) Analogue clock number font now much smaller than before (visible, but
too small)

> I see, I remember testing the patch comparing screenshots with the
> previous version, but only in my dev machine running Sugar with
> jhbuild.  The text had the correct size, only a slight displacement in
> the "1" and "10" numbers:
> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/clock_cairo_comparison.png
> In the XO, however, there is a huge difference.  I will try to check
> what's happening.  This is important for other ports to Cairo.
Are you multipliying the font size by pango.SCALE?

Look at paint activity, toolbox.py line 644

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