[Sugar-devel] (no subject)

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 4 16:40:55 EST 2012

Hi Ariel,

On 4 Dec 2012, at 16:02, Ariel Calzada <ariel at activitycentral.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> We’re working in the GTK3 porting and HIG adjustments of Speak and other activities we have observations in both fields.
> HIG/Touchscreen
> The main concern is that the OSK hides the interface and doesn’t let the textbox be visible for the user. We think that a possible solution should be making OSK has an inputbox above that which displays the inserted text, and thus the speak interface should be shrinked. But this has to be analyzed because should be fixed upstream. As this is transversal to all the activities that could have input text.

So a quick and simple solution that I think will work well in this case, is to just move the text input area from the bottom to the top of the canvas area. See images [1] and [2] for mockups of what this could look like, both with and without the on screen keyboard (OSK). One thing to make sure, is that the input text are be un-focused when the user presses return and the speaking starts, this will make the OSK hide so that the user can watch the mouth moving. I do quite like that the eyes are peeking over the top of the keyboard when the OSK is open, so I don't think we need to shrink down the whole face.


[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Mockup_of_Speak_text_input_at_top.png
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Mockup_of_Speak_text_input_at_top_with_OSK.png

> GTK3
> We have been working in a GTK3 porting of Speak which basically implies usage of Gstreamer 1.0
> We already have a release version of this porting but it  has many issues. One of them is that the activity runs very very slow and the eyes don’t move correctly when the mouse is moved. So we have to analyse code performance in light of gstreamer and cairo. 
> We would like to get some ideas of what’s happening and if gstreamer 1.0 is failing in XO with other activities.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Ariel Calzada and Rafael Ortíz
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