[Sugar-devel] Activity Collaboration: Join Option on same XO

nitika.mail nitika at activitycentral.com
Tue Dec 4 11:06:43 EST 2012

Thanks Samuel! :)

That clarifies things!

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Samuel Greenfeld <greenfeld at laptop.org>wrote:

> At least historically, if you clicked the "Join" button and were already
> joined to an activity (or sharing it) you would be switched back to viewing
> the shared activity.
> Potentially more of an issue is that if you resume a Journal entry for a
> previously shared session, activities will attempt to resume sharing the
> activity, which to the best of my knowledge doesn't always work (SL #525
> and potentially some others; OLPC #4797 is related).
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 6:39 AM, nitika.mail <nitika at activitycentral.com>wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>>    It is the first time that I'm e-mailing on the list... Please excuse
>> any omissions :)
>> While testing OLPC Images, I observed the following:
>>  1. Put an activity, say Maze/Chat in Neighborhood mode
>> 2. On the same XO, go to Neighborhood view
>> 3. The activity icon is seen in the view -> hover the mouse over that icon
>> 4. Join option is seen on the Menu
>> Question: What is the purpose of Join option on the same XO itself, which
>> is sharing the activity? Viewing that option on neighboring XO's is
>> understandable as they have the option of joining/sharing the activity.
>> Would appreciate clarity on this point!
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Nitika Mangal
>> QA Manager
>> Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com
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