[Sugar-devel] [PATCH Help v3] Migrated to Gtk3 and WebKit.WebView SL #3466

Manuel Kaufmann humitos at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 13:04:04 EDT 2012

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 13:41, Rafael Ortiz <rafael at activitycentral.com> wrote:
> Many ''imports'' on one line doesn't pass pep8.

pep8 script you mean?

PEP8 allows to import many "things" from the same module in the same
line, but it doesn't allow to import different modules in the same

If pep8 fails with:

from os import path, mkdir

So, pep8 has a bug :)

Kaufmann Manuel
Blog: http://humitos.wordpress.com/
Porfolio: http://fotos.mkaufmann.com.ar/
PyAr: http://www.python.com.ar/

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