[Sugar-devel] Clock #3394

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Mon Apr 9 14:10:55 EDT 2012

El día 9 de abril de 2012 13:59, Gary Martin
<garycmartin at googlemail.com> escribió:
> Hi Manuel,
> On 9 Apr 2012, at 17:25, Manuel Quiñones wrote:
>> Hi Gary,
>> have you found time to take a look at this issue? "Clock activity
>> draws off the screen".  Rafael and I have some patches pending.
> When I last tested your patch I found it just drew a blank grey canvas on 11.3.1 and past releases of Sugar. I am not yet ready to start forking the activities I maintain for the GKT3 move (as I'm still not too happy with the use of dotted version numbers if I can avoid them – seriously thinking of ignoring dotted releases for now and just int +10 when I fork).

Oh, good to know.  So I will test the patch in 11.3.1 and see what's
happening.  Thanks!

This is not for the GTK3 move, the issue appeared in olpc's builds for
12.1.0, in current Clock code.

> I also don't have no tickets on http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3394 for a patches or two you emailed to the list (your patch for Cairo was at least one of them, might be one other). I know the core team use the patchwork website and email for landing things in sugar shell, but it seems pretty useless for activity developers to find/review patches. Any chance you could open some bugs.sl.org tickets for the patches you'd still like to see land?

Right, I will open tickets for the Cairo port and the dragging hands
feature.  However, I would like to see the fix for #3394 landed first,
as it is a regression, I'm giving more priority to that.  And I don't
mind to hold the Cairo port until I fix the text sizes.  Will open
tickets to track them.

>> Or may I request co-maintainership?
> Sure, however I'd rather get the above items sorted before you start to land patches and make releases, or I'm more likely to just hand it over and stop work on it myself ;)

OK, we have to be careful while co-maintaining, pair reviewing or at
least testing so we don't loose code quality, maybe Rafael can help me
with Clock.

Thank you very much,

> Regards,
> --Gary
>> Greetings,
>> --
>> .. manuq ..

.. manuq ..

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