[Sugar-devel] Activity Maintainers: updated translations
Gonzalo Odiard
gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Sep 29 13:50:34 EDT 2011
The localization team, translators, and language admins are doing a great
and now we need help from activity maintainers to realese new versions and
put these translations
in the hands of the kids.
The following is a list of activities where there are updated translations
in git after the last time the activity.info file was modified.
Remember run ./setup.by build before create your xo (to create the .mo
if you are not using the last sugar-toolkit (see tickets SL #3116)
el, si, ta
ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mn, ne, nl, pl,
ps, pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
ar, bn, br, de, el, es, hus, hy, it, ja, mg, mn, ne, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru,
si, ta, vi, zh_TW
en, en_GB, en_US, es, fr, hus, si, son, ta, colors, bn, da, de, hus, ku,
nah, si, son, tzm
da, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fr, hus, si, son, ta
de, el, en_US, es, fr, ta
da, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fr, hus, son, ta
ak, ar_SY, bs, da, de, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fi, hus, hy, id, kn, ku,
lt, lv, nah, nn, sm, son, sq, sr, st, ta, ton, tyv, tzm, uk, zh_HK
af, am, ar, ar_SY, ay, bg, bi, bn, bn_IN, bs, ca, cpp, cs, da, de, dz, el,
en, en_GB, en_US, es, fa, fa_AF, ff, fi, fil, fr, gu, ha, he, hi, ht, hu,
hus, hy, id, ig, is, it, ja, km, kn, ko, kos, ku, lv, mg, mk, ml, mn, mr,
ms, mvo, na, nah, nb, ne, nl, nn, pa, pap, pis, pl, ps, pt, pt_BR, qu, ro,
ru, rw, sd, si, sk, sl, sm, son, sq, st, sv, sw, ta, te, th, ton, tpi, tr,
tvl, tzm, tzo, ug, uk, ur, vi, wa, yo, zh_CN, zh_TW
ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mg, mn, ne, nl,
pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mn, ne, nl, pl,
pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
el, es, fr, si, ta, log, ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy,
it, ja, mn, ne, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
ar, es, hus, son, ta
da, el, es, fr, si, ta
bg, da, de, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, ku, nah, si, son, ta, te,
da, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fr, si, son, ta
ar, da, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fr, hus, si, son, ta
ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mn, ne, nl, pl,
pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mg, mn, ne, nl,
pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
el, es, fr, si
da, el, es, fr, hus, si, son, ta
da, el, fr, ta
da, el, hus, son, ta
da, el, fr, si
ar, bn, da, de, el, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mn, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, si,
ta, vi, zh_TW
de, en, hy, ku, nah, ps, ta, tzm, da, de, el, en, en_GB, en_US, es, fa_AF,
fr, hus, pap, pl, ps, pt_BR, si, son, ta
da, es, fr, pt_BR, ta
ar, bn, br, da, de, el, en, en_US, es, fr, hus, hy, it, ja, mg, mn, mr, ne,
nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, si, ta, vi, zh_TW
da, de, el, es, fr, si, ta
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