[Sugar-devel] jhbuild improvement?

Aleksey Lim alsroot at activitycentral.org
Thu Sep 29 08:07:31 EDT 2011

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:35:55PM -0400, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> I was reading in the Gnome 3.2 release notes:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GNOME's build tool JHBuild does not build a module anymore if the
> version installed on your system is recent enough. This is controlled by
> the configuration option partial_build and it is enabled by default. The
> command jhbuild sysdeps lists which system modules have been found as
> well as the modules that are going to be build.
> If you start to build GNOME from scratch with a recent distribution,
> this can easily drop 50 modules from the list of modules to compile.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This feature could potentially reduce the complexity for setting up a
> new development environment. What do you think?

To reduce "jhbuild" complexity, maybe. But not sure if jhbuild will be
more useful than:

* install PackageKit
* install Sweets: wget http://download.sugarlabs.org/sweets/sweets/installer.sh && sh installer.sh
* clone sources (that have sweets.recipe) you need to code: git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sdk/sugar.git sugar/
* make your changes in sugar/ code
* launch your changes: sweets sugar/:emulator


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