[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Remove hippo from the frame

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-3 at silbe.org
Mon Sep 26 13:31:23 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Daniel Drake's message of 2011-09-18 14:47:09 +0200:

> Based on earlier work by Raul Gutierrez and Walter Bender.

Thanks for the patch!

[class FrameContainer]
> +    def do_realize(self):
> +        self.set_flags(gtk.REALIZED)
> +
> +        self.window = gdk.Window(
> +            self.get_parent_window(),

Why do we need additional windows? AIUI we already have one
SugarFrameWindow for each edge (which is probably what
self.get_parent_window() returns). Shouldn't adding the container (or
maybe HBoxes and VBoxes if gtk.Container is too generic) to
SugarFrameWindow suffice?

Feel free to point me to GTK documentation if it's already explained
somewhere - I couldn't figure it out myself.


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