[Sugar-devel] Should we branch off sucrose-0.94 next Monday?

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Thu Sep 15 02:42:58 EDT 2011


we discussed during the Sugar camp that branching off not too late 
during the cycle would benefit the future development, that we keep 
master open for development and stabilize the stable branch (e.g. 

There is one downside about this. The localization team needs to 
translate two branches.

a) are translators ok to branch off next Monday (hard code freeze 
starts) for sucrose-0.94 [1]

b) what would be a good moment in the cycle to branch off in general to 
give localizers a good way of keeping up? After the feature freeze, 
after the UI freeze...after the hard code freeze... Or does it just come 
down to announce whenever new branches exists?


[1] http://sugarlabs.org/go/0.94/Roadmap#Schedule

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